Sunday, September 22, 2019

Field Trip

Sorry, it's been nearly a week since I posted. I don't know where the time goes, but it goes.

We had a little softie bed left over from Ditto. Joyce put it down in a corner of the kitchen and Frances staked her claim on it. Mary, bless her heart, would just lay on the hard tile floor - unless Frances went outside or got more than three feet away from the bed. Then it would become a bit of a sibling spat. Mary nearly always lost. It was pitiful.

Wednesday, I think it was, Joyce came home with two new beds. They both chose one. Of course, poor little submissive Mary only had one to choose from because Frances grabbed one first. But, they are identical (except for smells now) and it did not make any difference to Mary. So, they quit fighting over a bed.

Yesterday we took them for a short ride in the RV, hoping to acclimate them to riding in it. We took their new bads, but it seemed the back seats were their favorite spots. And, believe me, they tried all possibilities except getting up on the beds. Joyce rode in a back seat, too, so they had to take turns until she put them both in a seat together. It was a trick as those seats are pretty small, but about the same size as one of their beds.

We stopped for lunch. Joyce had brought a bag of their dog food. She usually kneads in some chicken to interest them more and, apparently, it worked. They gobbled it all up.

After eating, we were sure they would have business to attend to soon afterward. So, we drove up to a parking area on the north shore of Fellows Lake. This was to be their first outing on leashes and they behaved remarkedly well. Joyce had introduced them to a leash at home, so it wasn't a totally new experience for them. Sometimes one would balk and refuse to move, like an old mule. But, then they'd see the other one moving ahead and the balking one would run to catch up.

It was a nice outing day for us and them. Then we headed home and on the way, they both were carsick and both vomited up that big lunch they had. Oh, well. You can't win them all.

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Mary is in heat. I know, who cares. I'm just noting here to keep track.