Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Falling Behind Already

I can tell already I'm not going to keep up with this. I don't even know what today is!

We got the collars I ordered for the girls, today. Frances is the one that has been wearing a collar and she never noticed I changed her collar from a larger red collar to a smaller lighter blue one. Then I put a pink collar on Mary, (aka "No collar"). She did not take to it well. First, Frances insisted on chewing on it and dragging Mary around by her new collar. The Mary realized something was on her neck and went screaming, "Ki Yi, Ki Yi", apparently because it was going to chew her head off. After Joyce picked her up and soothed her a little and put her back down, she just sat there and wouldn't move. This is going to be interesting.

The girls have had company since yesterday. Mike & Russ's dogs, Jette and Dahlia have been staying with us while Russ flops around in the hospital. His surgery went well and so the cousins went home this evening. It was very entertaining but exhausting to watch them try to socialize. Jette doesn't care, although, she did get a little cranky when Mike came to get them. He put her leash on and just dropped it. Frances could not leave it be. We looked up in time to see little 4lb Frances trying to lead 80lb Jette around the room. Dahlia ran and hid from everybody. She hates the girls. Frances wanted to play with everybody no matter how big they were. Mary wasn't really sure of her cousins, so she mostly tried to ignore them.

The cousins are gone now and Frances is between my legs on the recliner. Mary is tucked in beside Joyce in her recliner. So, that's a quick summary of day 6 and 7.

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Mary is in heat. I know, who cares. I'm just noting here to keep track.