Saturday, October 12, 2019


Just a quickie this morning. When we lived at Cedarcreek, I built a little shelf on the window next to my recliner. Tillie could jump up in my chair, step across an end table and onto the shelf. There she could snooze in the sun through the window or watch for monsters such as squirrels.

This was her perch that let her see the outside and maintain vigilance. This was her watchtower.

Eventually, Tillie relinquished the reins to Ditto and the duties of sentinal and Ditto assumed her duties like a true soldier. Always on the alert.

So, when we moved to Springfield where we are now, Ditto had to have her perch, her watchtower. But, Ditto was now slowing down and did more napping than watching. Although, she did spot many squirrels from this watchtower.

Later, as it became more and more difficult for her to jump up the step to access her perch, I made a ramp which made it much easier on her old bones.

Today, the responsibility of maintaining the watch has been transferred. The change-of-command has placed Mary and Frances on duty, maintaining the safety and security of our home, ever vigilant.

However, this morning sitting here in my "Mancave" (which previously was the living room), I hear Joyce shouting, "No! No!", which leads me to believe the girls are not currently maintaining proper vigilance.

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Mary is in heat. I know, who cares. I'm just noting here to keep track.